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  • 英雄无敌7升级最新版本有什么用

    ... of a combat is not shown anymore if the combat is restarted via the pause menu.  修正了当战斗暂停重开后,战斗记录不再继续的问题  [Fixed] An issue that would have creatures with certain abilities ignore and remove the Shadow Cloak buff.  修正了某些具有特定技能的生物无法受到Shadow Cloak效果的问题  [Fixed] An issue that would make the first creature lose the initiative bonus from \"Hotheaded\" when you would prepare and then unprepare the hero atatck during its turn.  修正了当玩家选择英雄攻击后又取消时,导致第一个行动的生物失去Hotheaded特长带来的主动加值的问题  [Fixed] An issue that would make the Sylvan Ballista attack twice even when attacking a target without a mark on it, if the hero has Natures Revenge on Expert rank.  修正了当英雄具有专家级自然复仇技能时,森林弩车在攻击没有标记的生物时也会出现攻击两次的问题  [Fixed] \"Nature`s Wrath\" ability (when a stack with marks on it died, the magic increase from the ability would not be removed).  修正了自然复仇特技的问题(有标记的生物死掉时,其提...

  • 最终幻想欧米伽

    ...ers and take on challenging bosses and missions. Multiplayer can be a great way to earn experience points and valuable items, but it\'s important to work together and communicate with your teammates to succeed.总体而言,最终幻想欧米伽是一款充满刺激的游戏,需要你掌握多种技能和策略方能取得胜利。通过积累经验,升级角色和装备,你将成为一位无敌的英雄,征服一个神秘的奇幻世界。

  • 国土防线2 国土防线2革命在哪看装备

    ...adly(致命静寂)Perform 5 takedowns in a row without being spotted by the KPA.在不被KPA发现的情况下,连续五次施展潜行击杀#15Danger Zone!(危险区!)Create a character for Resistance Mode.建立一个抵抗模式角色#16Mayhem 101(101)Purchase a skill.购买一个技能#17Practical Mayhem(实习生)Deploy an active skill in a mission, and have at least one other player use the results.在任务中使用一次主动技能,并至少有一名其他玩家享受到此主动技带来的效果。#18Professor Mayhem(专家)Purchase 4 different active skills across any number of Resistance Mode characters.抵抗模式中的所有角色累计获得了四种不同的主动技能#19Phased plasma rifle in a 40 watt range(40瓦能耗的脉冲离子步枪)Upgrade a weapon to its maximum level.将一把武器升级到等级#20Peace of cake(小菜一碟)Suesully plete a Resistance Mode mission on easy difficulty.在简单难度下完成一个抵抗任务#21Peace in our time(和平时代)Suesully plete a Resistance Mode mission on normal difficulty.在普通难度下完成一个抵抗任务#22Peace your pants(别尿裤子)Suesully plete a...